Sonntag, 22. Juni 2014

Motorcyclists, bands meld for multiculturalism

There was plenty of eye-candy for motorcycle enthusiasts at the Niagara Regional Exhibition grounds.

Choppers, bobbers, vintage bikes and plenty of glistening chrome and masterful paint jobs.

They caught the attention of people who don’t ride, too, when Welland Heritage Council and Multicultural Centre and Quinn Custom Motorcycles teamed up to present the first ever Circle Niagara Motorcycle Bike Run.

It was just what Pelham’s Ced Dixon needed to make for an enjoyable day on the open road.

“My wife saw it on the Internet (Friday), so I figured I’d go just for something to do,” he said.

Dixon, who’s now 53, has been riding since he was 19, including the 1986 Honda sportbike he bought new and had ready for the road this weekend.

Proceeds from the run were earmarked for the multicultural centre’s emergency shelter costs and its Employment Solutions youth programs. The goal was to raise at least $5,000, helping to offset a loss in federal funding.

“We had about a hundred riders, which is pretty good for a first-time event,” said Claire Masswohl, the multicultural centre’s executive director.

Few motorcyclists registered in advance, instead waiting last minute to ensure there’d be sunny skies, she said.

Bikers left the Niagara St. fairgrounds in the morning, headed to Niagara-on-the-Lake Golf Club, made their way to The Palmwood in Fort Erie, then headed back to Welland.

Quinn Camp said it was an enjoyable ride, not too hot.

“We had a good turnout of riders,” he said. “It was a long stretch of us down the 406.”

The two-day event featured the Saturday ride, and on both days vendors and local musicians.

“The bands were fantastic,” Masswohl said, adding there are plans to renew the event next year, but possibly shift the organized ride to a Sunday.

Did you go to the Circle Niagara Motorcycle Bike Run event at the NRE grounds?

Sunday, June 22, 2014


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Motorcyclists, bands meld for multiculturalism

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