RAPID CITY, South Dakota — In the midst of a mostly man’s world in Sturgis, a sisterhood of motorcycle-riders has slowly taken shape at the rally.
With bandanas around their heads and braids flowing in the wind, women are playing an increasingly prominent role in the annual rally. In fact, a 2013 survey by the city of Sturgis showed 44 percent of attendees were women.
“You always think of the beard, think of it as the hardened riders. It’s not like that,” said Jennifer Warner, 44, from Georgia.
While many still ride behind husbands and boyfriends in the passenger seat, a growing number of mothers, wives, girlfriends and grandmothers are grabbing their own gear to hit the road, the Rapid City Journal reported (http://bit.ly/1sERZyZ ).
“It’s a freedom thing. You are out there — kind of you against the world,” said Christine Paige Diers, executive director of the Sturgis Motorcycle Museum. “It’s your skills and your skills alone against the world that gets you where you need to be.”
Still, some of the old stereotypes remain, and some say they face a mix of skepticism and admiration while on the road.
Sometimes there is a sense of, “Can you handle it for a girl?” said Janina Spooner, 31, who is at this year’s rally with her husband from Kansas.
But more often, Spooner said, it is actually the men in their lives that push and encourage women to hop on a bike.
Yet, as they pass sign after sign on Interstate 90 on the road to Sturgis featuring scantily clothed women in bras holding beer cans, female bikers say they are ready to be just like the guys.
Coming to the rally gives them a sense of empowerment many say, an attitude of independence and a feeling that they can do what they want, dress how they want and ride bikes with the best of the men.
The industry is taking notice as 12 percent of all motorcyclists across the country today are now women, according to the Motorcycle Industry Council, with Harley-Davidson actively courting them as a customer base.
“If you look around the motorcycle world,” said Paige Diers. “Pretty much all the manufacturers are considering women riders.”
That includes marketing clothing and gear to women, she said.
The rally itself is actively courting female riders with an annual Biker Belle Ride from Deadwood to Sturgis planned Tuesday. Although cancelled with the day’s heavy rains, about 200 women still met at the Lodge in Deadwood for a symposium featuring a motivational speaker and an empowerment panel, also offered The Comfort Zone by Team Diva, where women riders could get safety tips, sample beauty products, new fashions and specialized ride gear.
Having a community to encourage each other means they don’t feel like they need to be tough in order to fit in.
“When you ride with other women, it’s different than riding with your husband or their friends,” said Becky Brown, president of the motorcycle club called Women in the Wind. “When it’s the girls.we talk about kids, family, jobs, men.”
Historically, the door wasn’t quite always as open to women on the road. Paige Diers has found historical documents showing that the male founders of the motorcycle club Jackpine Gypsies had their own ideas for how the ladies would help them get ready for the early rallies.
“They would say, ‘We’ll have the gals make sandwiches,’” she said.
That role is gradually evolving as more women put the throttle in their own hands.
“We still have a ways to go as far as I’m concerned,” Paige Diers added. “It’s just a matter of empowering more women to understand that they can be riders and they can be involved in the motorcycle world.”
That means making one’s own way through the ever-available whiskey, beer and objectified imagery. Paige Diers said though she could not speak for all women, it has to be expected at Sturgis.
“I think pretty much any woman that rides knows that she’s in a man’s world still,” she said. “When I see a (beer ad), I just kind of roll my eyes and see the audience is mostly men. It’s not my favorite part of the culture, but it is what it is.”
Information from: Rapid City Journal, http://www.rapidcityjournal.com
Sisterhood of motorcycles: Women rev their engines at the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally