What is Men United v Prostate Cancer?
Men united v Prostate Cancer is Men’s Health Foundation Ghana campaign for men to join together and build a movement for men called Men United. In the UK,Government pilots new prostate cancer awareness programme targeting Black men.As part of the campaign, there will be posters and oyster card holders advertising that 1 in 4 Black men will get prostate cancer in their lifetime. There will also be radio advertising, events at barbershops and hair salons and a ‘street team’ of volunteers wearing branded clothing and handing out information booklets and pocket guide.
The key campaign message is: “If you are a Black man over 45 and want to discuss your personal risk of prostate cancer, visit your doctor”. The campaign will also highlight that early prostate cancer often has no obvious symptoms, but if found early treatment can be more effective and save lives.
We as black men need to openly discuss prostate cancer as we’re more at risk than any other ethnic group. The good news is that if it’s caught early, treatment is effective. So, if you are a black man, over the age of 45, don’t ignore this message. Speak to your doctor about your risk and what you can do about it.
The Be Clear on Cancer pilot is a tremendous step towards making sure more Black men are aware of their increased risk and will empower them to speak to their doctor about what options are available to them. If this campaign is successful, the model will be developed in other areas of the UK with large Black populations, to help us ensure that every Black man in the country knows their risk.
It is time for Ghana to consider a specific policy on prostate cancer in Ghana and men must screen for free under the National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS).
In fact, our recent public awareness survey showed that 95 per cent of Ghanaian men are unaware that they’re at a higher than average risk of developing the disease and we are appealing to government to tackle prostate cancer
What is Men United?
It’s all men together in the fight against prostate cancer, the most common cancer in men. We’re asking men to unite against prostate cancer, just like women have united against breast cancer, and build Men United. Men United is the movement, the team and the force taking action on men’s health. It is an army of supporters all dedicated to getting men’s health on the agenda and helping make real change.
Why we need Men United in Ghana?
Prostate cancer kills over 800 men every year in Ghana and each year almost as many men are diagnosed with prostate cancer as women are diagnosed with breast cancer. According to a survey conducted by the Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital, Ghana has also exceeded global prostate limits, as the country records 200 cases out of every 100,000 men as against 170 worldwide. With these staggering figures about the disease which is projected to become the leading cancer in the world by 2030 the good news is we are forming a team to stop that clock. According to the Prostate cancer UK 1 in every 4 black men will get prostate cancer in their lifetime.
But awareness a, education, screening and research into prostate cancer is badly underfunded, leaving tests and treatments trailing behind other common cancers. And the quality and availability of treatment and care can vary depending on where men live. Men’s health has been low on the agenda for far too long, so it’s time for men to band together against the injustices of prostate cancer.
How can I join Men United?
It’s simple, if you donate, register for an event or volunteer to help us in our work you will be joining Men United. During the campaign you can also sign up by going to our Facebook page Men United V Prostate Cancer Ghana and let discuss how we can enhance prostate cancer in Ghana.
What do I have to do?
It’s enough to sign up but if you want to do more you can use your voice, time or money – or whatever you choose – to say you are a part of a growing team that’s taking action on prostate cancer.
Start by getting 30 men you know to sign up too. If everyone who read this did that, we would have an army in no time.
We need men to take control of their health and find out more. Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men in Ghana now, so men need to be aware of it, particularly men over 40, Black men and those with a family history, who are all at increased risk of the disease. Information is power – find out more about prostate cancer. Don’t be worried about your age because aging is not the cause it is only an association and correlation does not imply causation. Testosterone is also not the problem but rather accumulation of modern day estrogen from our food and some can products. Prostate cancer is not men menopause because it is not the natural state of men. The Okinawans, Japanese’s men and men in Asian enclaves have proven that old age and high testosterone level not the cause but rather lifestyle and diet. Japanese men have lower prostate cancer statistics, low obesity levels, and the world’s longest life expectancy. The miserable fact is that when Japanese men move to the United States and adopts a western lifestyle; their prostate cancer rates replicate those of American men.
What is Men United trying to achieve?
We want to build a united front of men against prostate cancer – to get the message out there about one of the Ghana’s biggest man killers, support men affected by it, and raise funds to find better tests and treatments for the future. Men United want to establish free screening centers in the country
The month of November is men’s health month to raise awareness of men’s health issues, such as prostate cancer, pre mature ejaculation and other male cancers and we encouraging men to get involved, Men united V Prostate cancer aims to increase early cancer detection, diagnosis and effective treatments, and ultimately reduce the number of preventable deaths. Besides annual check-ups, the Men United V Prostate Cancer encourages men to be aware of family history of cancer and to adopt a healthier lifestyle.
I’m a woman – can I still join Men United?
Yes, absolutely. We want both men and women to join Men United. Women are a vital part of Men United. It is a movement for men, but women will be critical supporters and activists within it, encouraging all the men in their lives to get involved and getting involved themselves. As a woman you can volunteer, fundraise, donate and add their voice to spread the word about Men United
Make us your charity
Let’s work together. We’d love to connect with your company.
If you are looking for a forward-looking charity which can offer great support to a partnership, by inspiring and motivating staff, screening for men in your company, schools or church, customers and suppliers alike, please contact us.
Involve your company
Working with us can deliver great benefits for your company while helping to save men. There are many ways we can work together: employee fundraising can be great for team building, and commercial partnerships can boost your profile and drive sales while raising money.
Our experienced team works with companies of different sizes across varied sectors. We support employees, customers and suppliers and celebrate our partnerships in the media. We can also educate your staff about prostate cancer by providing engaging awareness talks.
How can we work together?
Fundraising at work can be fun, motivating and great for team building and staff morale. We have an action packed annual events calendar with loads of ways to help you get involved throughout the year.
We offer our own events for you to take part in, can tailor events to suit you, or simply support your events and ideas. Whichever route you choose, we will champion you all the way.
Commercial Partnerships
Linking your brand or product with Men’s Health Foundation Ghana can be a great way to reinforce your profile as a socially responsible brand, drive sales and raise vital funds for our work.
Sponsoring one of our events or projects can enhance your company’s brand awareness and image. We have a range of sponsorship opportunities available and packages can be tailored to meet your company’s objectives.
Gifts in Kind
Providing gifts in kind in the form of fundraising gifts or prizes is an extremely valuable way of supporting our work.
Do an event
Take part in an event and you’ll be joining a team built to take action on men’s health – Men United.
We have a wide range of events to suit everyone’s tastes. To pick an event simply:
Choose where you want to do your event under Location
Select what type of event you want to do using the grid of options. Our event STAND BY YOUR MAN, DO IT FOR DADS and BE BOLD, BE A MAN & DON’T SLEEP ON DUTY!
If you’re interested in organizing your own eventwe can then support you in your planning and provide materials to help you have an amazing event.
By supporting us, you will be part of a growing team that’s taking action on men’s health – Men United.
Need some inspiration?
Annual Football, bicycle, or marathon event.
Go blue and hold a dress down day at work or a blue fancy dress theme
We can help
We will support you in a number of ways including:
Hints and tips to help you raise as much money as possible
Fundraising materials to decorate your event, planning advice and press releases for contacting your local media
If you want help with fundraising ideas or need some advice then get in touch, we want to hear about your plans!
Volunteer with us
Our volunteers are at the heart of the charity, spreading the word about prostate cancer and supporting the cause throughout Ghana.
If you’re interested in joining our team of volunteers for next year then please take a look at the current opportunities we have for you to get involved.
Volunteers support men, their partners; family and friends affected by prostate cancer, campaign for change and inform what we do.
Campaigning for change
We campaign for men with prostate cancer to get the best treatment and care. We provide men with the right treatment information both conventional and alternative before deciding on what treatment option they have to choose. We need more treatment options in Ghana because we believe men must make their own informed decision before deciding on treatment and screening for prostate cancer using the PSA test. Men must be aware of some questions to ask all their doctors both Herbal and Conventional before deciding on treatment. We warn men not to rush for any treatment option base on advertisement because about 30% of prostate cancer after treatments recur and that is why even a good Physician does not promise cure and get the right information before deciding on which way to go.
What men need to do next?
The ongoing controversy is highlighted by the divergent recommendations on screening from multiple professional organizations and that is why we at Men’s Health Foundation Ghana believe Ghanaian men should be given balanced information about the PSA blood test, the Digital rectal exam and biopsies. Men should have the opportunity to discuss the pros and cons of the tests with their doctors or prostate cancer specialist. If you are worried about prostate cancer because you are in a high risk group or have or no symptoms, visit your GP or speak to our Specialist on our confidential helpline, to discuss whether a test is right for you on 0541090045.
About the writer:
Registered Naturopathic doctor/Prostate cancer specialist. Registration no:(TAP00396)with masters in Prostate Cancer-Sheffield Hallam University, UK. CEO of De Men’s Clinic & Prostate Research Lab in Dodowa-Akoto House.
My holistic, naturopathic approach is exclusive for people combating Prostate Cancer, Prostatitis, Interstitial Cystitis / Bladder Pain / Pelvic Pain and Male sexual dysfunction.
My research, writings and vocational passion are exclusive to these conditions: Cancer (prostate, bladder, kidney, breast, testicular), Prostatitis, Interstitial Cystitis, Male sexual dysfunction, Pain (specifically pelvic pain) and urinary incontinence. Treatments include: medicinal herbs, individualized nutrition, supplements, homeopathy and massage.
My research interest are black race and prostate cancer, Doppler for prostate cancer diagnosis, Naturopathy oncology and the Dangme People.
Our clinic specializes in integrative (Western & Eastern, Conventional & Natural) treatments for Prostate Cancer and Urological conditions. We individualize the treatments to the patients’ needs from least invasive to more aggressive.
Source: Raphael obu
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