Freitag, 18. Juli 2014

Letter: Men should not decide women's health issues

Men should not decide women’s health issues

Karen J. Nelson, writing in the “Another Voice” column, made the following observation, “In a devastating ruling, the Supreme Court gave CEOs of some closely held profit-making corporations the right to deny their employees legally mandated coverage for birth control because of the CEO’s personal objections – even if those objections are not supported by science or medicine.”

On the same day, a letter writer made this observation, “First, I praise the Supreme Court’s ruling favoring Hobby Lobby in the matter of contraceptive coverage vis-à-vis the so-called Affordable Care Act. Any religious entity deeply opposed to abortion or other like procedures ought not be forced to support them.” Obviously this man does not know or understand the difference between contraception and abortion. Similarly, he apparently does not understand the difference between a profit-making corporation and a religious entity.

Men, be they judges, CEOs or in other positions of authority, should not have the final say on a woman’s health issues, including voluntary contraception. Those very personal decisions should be made by the woman and her doctor.

Jay T. Hurlburt

East Aurora

Letter: Men should not decide women"s health issues

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