Donnerstag, 25. September 2014

American Legion to hold car wash in Livermore Falls

LIVERMORE FALLS — The American Legion Post 10 will hold a car wash from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 27, at Main Street and Reynolds Avenue to benefit the post.

Members will wash cars, trucks and other vehicles to help support the George Bunten Post. They need volunteers to help wash the vehicles.

“Times have been tough for Post 10 the past few years, when we had to replace our heating system, oil tank, chimney and water heater three years ago,” organizer and member Don Simoneau of Fayette said. “All those items have put a huge burden on our finances. And last winter, the heavy snow load on the roof took our chimney down again.”

The American Legion Post has supported this area since July 1919 with Boys and Girls State, high school scholarships, veteran services and assistance, and military funeral services, he said.

They have also provided veterans educational services to fourth-graders, provided flag education in local schools, supported Boy Scouts, the historical society and church groups, and held blood drives, he said.

Post 10 members are active in the community in many other ways, Simoneau said, including veterans’ grave registration and flags on veterans’ graves and the Memorial Day Parade and Independence Day programs.

People who want to help but cannot attend the car wash may mail donations to George Bunten Post 10, 17 Reynolds Ave., Livermore Falls, ME 04254. Write “Post 10″ in the note section.

American Legion to hold car wash in Livermore Falls

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