Dienstag, 28. Oktober 2014

Men's Health's 'Amazing' Noah Galloway Guests on 'Ellen'

It has been an incredible autumn for Noah Galloway. Nine years ago, the enlisted U.S. Army officer lost his left arm and left leg in a Humvee accident in Iraq, and it wasn’t until 2010 that he got the determination to rebuild his life mentally and physically.

Galloway’s hard work paid off with his selection as the first Ultimate Men’s Health Guy, and his November MH cover endeared himself to the nation.

Included was talk-show host Ellen DeGeneres, who invited Galloway to guest on Ellen on Oct. 22. Although she called him an “amazing” human being,” Galloway had to earn his keep by doing 20 right-handed pushups in 20 seconds.

He did, and Ellen sponsor Shutterfly presented Galloway’s No Excuses Foundation a check for $10,000.  His next goal is to complete an “ironman triathlon” of swimming, cycling and a full 26-mile-plus marathon.

To watch the Galloway segment on Ellen, click here.


Galloway will likely compete in a future MH Urbanathlon of running literally over (taxicabs, etc.) and under (police barricades, etc.) for 10-plus miles while getting psyched for the finale of climbing and descending the steps of a sports stadium. The Oct. 25 New York “Urb” was the second of three races (Chicago before on Oct. 18 and San Francisco after on Nov. 23), and participants included Ultimate Men’s Health Guy runner-up  Finny Akers, who is pictured (right) with MH publisher Ronan Gardiner. The “summit” for both was the New York Mets’ Citi Field.

Akers’ story, too, is inspiring, because he had to care for two younger siblings after their lawyer father killed their mother and himself.

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Men"s Health"s "Amazing" Noah Galloway Guests on "Ellen"

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