Dienstag, 29. April 2014

Magazine list Houston as one of the worst cities for coffee lovers

HOUSTON, TX – If you believe Men’s Health Magazine list of cities that love coffee, then you would believe Houstonians don’t enjoy java as much as others.

Their list of Java Junkies ranked Houston 91st out of 100 cities that enjoy a cup of Joe.

With a coffee shop, seemingly on every corner in Houston – we’re not buyin’ it!

Neither are the folks at Empire Café who’s in the coffee biz for 20 years.

“I don’t believe that,” says Cesar Portillo of Empire Cafe. “Houston is well known for a lot of coffee shops and we are one of them for the last 20 years and bringing that great cup of coffee.”

Coffee drinkers aren’t swallowing it either.

Bob Bertrand said, “I really like coffee, I know a lot of people who like coffee and I think they need to recalculate those statistics.”

Houston’s heat might be a deterrent to a hot cup of java, but there’s a solution for that.

“We do a lot of ice coffee drinks,” says Portillo.

Portland, Maine ranks 1st on the list of lovers of the caffeinated brew, with Jackson, Mississippi wading in the coffee grounds at the bottom of the list.

So, Houstonians if that has you down, a caffeine high might just be what you need.

Magazine list Houston as one of the worst cities for coffee lovers

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