Samstag, 17. Oktober 2015

NAACP Protests Utah Man's Halloween “Lynching” Decoration

It must be Halloween again because the ghouls and goblins are back wearing racially insensitive costumes and displaying offensive scenery in their front yards.

The latest case involves Kevin Van Miltenburg of Roy, Utah, who refuses to remove a so-called animated hangman wearing a noose and gunny sack — or lynching scene — from his front yard even after the NAACP informed him that it was racially offensive, according to People Magazine.

The 24-year-old tile contractor said he had no idea anyone found his “hangman decoration racist,” the report says. For six years, residents have flocked to the community during Halloween to check out decorations at the house that he shares with his parents and wife.

“The NAACP finds the hanging character to be extremely offensive,” said Jeanetta Williams, president of NAACP’s Salt Lake Branch. “There is no doubt what this is. The founding in 1909 and history of the NAACP was because of the many lynchings in our country and has become synonymous with the lynchings of African-Americans. This display makes a mockery of the history of lynchings in our country.”

But Van Miltenburg, fired back.

“It’s sad to me that a few people are playing the race card and trying to take the fun out of Halloween,” the tile contractor tells PEOPLE. “You see hangmen every year in haunted houses and on people’s front porches. My hangman’s hands are clearly white. It’s hard to see how I’m being racist. This is all done in the spirit of Halloween.”

More and more, Halloween is becoming an excuse for people to display racial sensitivities. Enough!

SOURCE: People Magazine | PHOTO CREDIT: Twitter


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NAACP Protests Utah Man"s Halloween “Lynching” Decoration

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